How to Take Out G6 Transmitter Without Removing Sensor?

To remove the G6 transmitter without removing the sensor, follow these steps: 1. Lift one side of the transmitter gently. 2. Carefully detach the other side. 3. Use a removal tool to slide under the transmitter and lift it gradually. 4. Inspect the sensor site for any issues. 5. Cleanse the area and apply a new adhesive patch. Enjoy hassle-free transmitter removal!

This article will guide you through the process of safely taking out the G6 transmitter without removing the sensor, ensuring a smooth transition between sessions.

What really is the G6 Transmitter and Sensor?

Before diving into the removal process, it’s essential to understand the functionality and significance of both the G6 transmitter and sensor. The G6 transmitter is a communication bridge between the sensor and your device, transmitting real-time glucose data.

It is designed to securely attach to the sensor, forming a reliable connection for continuous monitoring. On the other hand, the sensor is responsible for measuring glucose levels in the interstitial fluid, providing valuable information about blood glucose trends.

How to Take Out G6 Transmitter Without Removing Sensor? Step by step

Preparing for Transmitter Removal

Taking the necessary precautions and gathering the required supplies is crucial to ensure a successful transmitter removal. Here’s what you need to do before starting the process:

  1. Gathering the Necessary Supplies
  • Alcohol swabs or wipes for cleaning the sensor site
    • Removal tool (provided in the G6 system or available separately)
    • Adhesive patch or tape for securing the sensor during transmitter removal
  1. Checking Sensor Readings and Stability
  • Ensure that your sensor provides accurate and stable readings by comparing them with fingerstick blood glucose measurements.
    • Verify that the sensor is properly adhered to your body and isn’t loose or at risk of dislodging during removal.
Restart Dexcom G6 Sensor

Steps to Take Out the G6 Transmitter

Now that you have everything you need and have confirmed the stability of the sensor, let’s dive into the steps for safely taking out the G6 transmitter:

  1. Safely Detaching the Transmitter from the Sensor
  • Start by locating the transmitter on top of the sensor site. It is usually affixed using adhesive.
    • Gently lift one side of the transmitter using your fingertips or a removal tool, creating enough space to detach it from the sensor.
    • Once the first side is detached, carefully lift the other side, ensuring a smooth separation from the sensor. Take your time to avoid any damage or discomfort.
  1. Utilizing a Removal Tool for Easy Extraction
  • If you have a removal tool, slide it underneath the transmitter, following the edge of the sensor. Apply gentle pressure to lift the transmitter gradually.
    • Use slow and controlled movements to prevent any accidental dislodging or pulling of the sensor.
    • Continue sliding the removal tool until the entire transmitter is detached from the sensor.

Post-Transmitter Removal Care

After successfully removing the transmitter, taking care of the sensor site is important to prevent any complications or discomfort. Follow these steps for proper post-transmitter removal care:

  1. Inspecting the Sensor Site
  • Examine the sensor site for any signs of redness, irritation, or other skin issues. Note any abnormalities and consult with your healthcare provider if necessary.
    • Ensure that the sensor wire is intact and not damaged during removal. If you notice any damage, consider replacing the sensor to ensure accurate readings.
  1. Maintaining Hygiene and Sterility
  • Cleanse the sensor site using alcohol swabs or wipes to remove any adhesive residue or dirt. Allow the area to air dry or gently pat it dry with a clean towel.
    • Apply a new adhesive patch or tape to secure the sensor in place until your next session. Make sure the patch or tape adheres firmly to the skin to prevent the sensor from dislodging.

How do you turn off the sensor on a Dexcom G6?

To turn off the sensor on a Dexcom G6, follow these steps:

  1. On the receiver or compatible smart device, go to the Dexcom G6 app.
  2. Navigate to the settings menu within the app.
  3. Look for the option to stop the sensor session or turn off the sensor.
  4. Select the appropriate option to stop the sensor.
  5. Confirm your decision when prompted.
  6. The sensor will now be turned off, and you will no longer receive glucose readings or alerts.

Consider the Dexcom G6 user manual or contact Dexcom support for specific instructions related to your device or receiver model.

What happens if I stop my Dexcom sensor?

If you stop your Dexcom sensor, several things will occur:

  • Data Transmission Stops

Once you stop the sensor, it will no longer transmit glucose data to your receiver or compatible smart device. This means you will no longer receive real-time glucose readings, trend arrows, or alerts.

  • No Low or High Glucose Alerts

Without the sensor monitoring your glucose levels, the system cannot provide you with low or high glucose alerts. This may impact your ability to effectively manage your blood sugar levels and respond promptly to any potential hypoglycemic or hyperglycemic events.

  • Loss of Trend Data

The Dexcom system is designed to provide valuable trend data, showing how your glucose levels change over time. When you stop the sensor, you will lose access to this information, making it more challenging to track patterns and make informed decisions about your diabetes management.

  • Sensor Life is Not Extended

Stopping the sensor does not extend its lifespan. If you restart the sensor later, it will still adhere to the 10-day wear period. Stopping the sensor temporarily does not pause or prolong its usage.

It’s important to note that stopping the Dexcom sensor should only be done if necessary and under the guidance of your healthcare provider. Always follow the recommended guidelines for sensor usage and consult with your healthcare team for any concerns or questions regarding your specific situation.


Taking out the G6 transmitter without removing the sensor is a simple process that requires careful attention and proper technique. By following the steps outlined above, you can safely detach the transmitter, ensuring a hassle-free transition between sensor sessions. Remember to gather the necessary supplies, prepare the sensor site, and utilize a removal tool if available.

Post-transmitter removal care is equally important, involving a thorough inspection of the sensor site and maintaining cleanliness and hygiene. With these guidelines, you can confidently manage your G6 system and make the most of its continuous glucose monitoring capabilities.

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